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No More Butterflies


No More Butterflies is the first novel written by Claire Smith and released in kindle and other electronic formats.  


It is an emotional roller coaster of a ride which has recieved many glowing 5* reviews from both UK and US readers.  It is a gritty, fast paced tale of manipulation, rejection, abuse, love, honour and friendship.  Having faced them all our heroine Emma learns to stand on her own two feet, damaged but determined and still capable of giving her all for what she believes to be right.  


Quote 5* review "...with an ending to rival the ending of The Notebook."


So when you read this book, lock yourself away with a box of tissues because you won't be able to put it down and so far nobody has managed to get to the end without crying.



I am an independent Author, that means I publish and market my own books.  SInce Amazon started to provide Author's with the ability to self publish many of us have chosen to take this opportunity.  I believe it puts massive choice back into the marketplace whereas traditional publishers make choices on behalf of the reading public.  Granted, not all Independently published books are good but, over the past two years since I published my first book - details below - I have read some excellent books by other independents just like me.  


The biggest problem independent Authors find is publicity, or more accurately, finding publicity.  For this reasson we seek to help each other, I use Twitter and FaceBook and others also use Google+ and Tumblr amongst many other platforms.  On these sites we try to tell people about the great work we Indie Authors are producing and so hope to direct traffic to all of our links.


The best way to help any Indie Author is by reviewing their work.  This is true of reviews by other Indie Authors as much as by the general reading public.  So please, when you read a good book, head to Amazon and to Goodreads and leave a star rating and a few words about how much you enjoyed reading whatever novel it was, most books will include links to the Author's Page too so you can leave a message for them if you wish.


I have been reading and reviewing Indie Published books for the past two years, some of them have been a joy to read, others less so and I understand many people's reluctance to take a chance, even if it is only for a couple of pounds.  There really is nothing more disappointing than downloading a book only to start it and realise quite quickly that it really is not worth your time.


So, on my reviews page you will find copies of the Amazon/Goodreads reviews I have written for many of the Indie books I have read.   I hope these may help at least some of you decide to take a chance on an Indie book and I sincelery hope you enjoy it when you do.


Links to all my books are on the 'BOOKS' page of this site.


Thanks for reading, I am grateful you have come this far.


Claire xx

Comments about No More Butterflies-


Captivating - Couldn't stop reading, the storyline captivated me from the beginning...

Dawn Bostock -


Wow - ...the ending to the book was ahhhhhh-mazing.  It is an ending to rival the ending of 'The Notebook'.  Totally different, but still just as much of a tearjerker.

AnnMarie -


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